Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Montagne Jeunesse Pulped Pomegranate Passion Peel Off

Confession time: I was totally the little girl that would get the bottle of glue, squirt it on my hands, wait while it dried, and then peeled it off. There is just something so relaxing to me about peeling. With that being said, can you imagine my excitement to find a peel off mask in my influenster holiday vox box (complimentary). Another bonus is that they are mindful of our animal friends and don't test on them! More companies definitely need to get on the bandwagon with that one. With that being said, I loved this mask. I simply cleansed my face, applied the mask, sat back with my feet up and relaxed for 20 minutes, and went to relaxing some more by peeling the mask off! Oh, and I must warn you that this mask smells SO good you are going to want to eat it, but please fight off that temptation, because it's not meant for human consumption. Lol! The texture of this mask is like a gel and was very easy to apply. All I had to do was wait for it to dry on my face and then get to my favorite part, peeling it off! My face felt amazing. I totally felt like I was peeling of dead skin (gross again, I know, but so true). Bottom line, I definitely recommend this to anyone. And for around a buck (varies by location), you can't go wrong. Let me know what you think if you've ever tried this or if you are thinking about trying it!

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